Wednesday 21 September 2016

Run Infinity

Are You Shoe Smitten!!

Sports shoes are specially designed for the sport, to cushion and guide your foot and ankle movement. If you have ever suffered hurting hips, sore feet or painful ankles after running it might be because you are not wearing the right type of shoes. Weather you are choosing between sports shoe or running bare foot.or between a sports shoe or regular shoe.

Sports shoes are specially to provide more protection to your feet and than regular shoes. The mid sole protects you from feeling hard objects as you run over them and absorbs more impact from each step you take. The softer the mid sole, the greater the cushioning and protection. However, softer mid soles dont last longer and you will need to buy new sports shoes sooner. Running with sports shoes also makes you loose less energy and effort. This is mostly due extra  cushioning that the sports shoe bring. If you run barefoot, your body makes up for the missing cushioning by using your leg muscles more and spending more energy. 

A proper sports shoe can also fix the problem of supination, which is when you roll your foot outward as you run. This puts extra stress on the ligaments and bones outside of your foot putting them at the risk of injury. Your foot absorbs the shock from your step less efficiently, which can cause knee pain.Sports shoes with soft mid sole and cushioning in the heel and the front of the foot provide flexibility your more rigid foot will not.

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